Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Why Use a Mannequin Jewellery Stand ?

A mannequin jewellery stand is an essential element in a shop’s all round visual merchandising strategy.

1) It supplies a sense of theatre to the window displays, as well as enabling the draping of jewellery so that it is seen in the best possible manner. Study has illustrated that properly exhibited items have a greater chance of grabbing the buyers interest and creating a positive frame of mind to buy.

2) Improved display space is accomplished, as jewellery can be suspended as well as placed on the floor of the cabinet, increasing the amount of product that can be displayed.

3) The jewellery mannequin can compliment the jewellery being displayed to further enhance its attractiveness, especially if a mirror finish is used.

Kinds Of Jewellery Mannequins

Fabric-covered or painted busts have been the classic styles of display used, but there's a large assortment of styles available for presenting jewellery to customers.

1) Miniature mannequins which can fit into a glass cabinet. These ordinarily are of an abstract form with arms and legs splayed out, which allow chains, bracelets and watches to be draped or hung from the various limbs.

2) Bracelets and rings can be displayed really well on hands that include part of the forearm. They can be single display pieces, or organized in groups of different heights to make really great looking presentations. Hands are also available in various positions, straight up, leaning forward or backwards or lying down on the floor of the display case.

3) Heads with part bust. However in this instance larger cabinets are normally required. This though has the benefit of demonstrating exactly how the jewellery piece would look on a person.

All these make it possible for the jewellery to be displayed in a variety of positions to catch the interest of the likely buyer.

Finishes of Jewellery Mannequins

The finish of a jewellery mannequin can also vary dependening on its purpose. If it is used purely to display the goods, then Generally a gloss white or gloss black paint finish is ideal as the contrast between the jewellery and the mannequin elevates its attractiveness. Alternatively the mannequins can be fabric covered, to provide a neutral background for the jewellery and not detract from the piece.

The mannequin can be finished by either chrome or gold plating, so that it can become one of the jewellery pieces. This would elevate and enhance the visual attractiveness of the entire jewellery display.

The mannequin jewellery stand should be considered an inherent part of a jewellery display cabinet in order to display pieces in the finest possible manner.

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